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Is brought to you by the letter W the number 3 and the words WHERE, WHEN and WHY...

WhereWhenWhy is a travel information and inspiration guide aimed at helping you decide on where to travel, when and why you should go there. Built around extensive country, weather and activity data, WhereWhenWhy aggregates the best of the web (the likes of googlemaps, flickr and del.icio.us) into one convenient travel portal.

This is just a start for WhereWhenWhy and we’ll happily grow to take on board user requests.

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We only include links to sites that we really like and feel that you'll like as well. If you follow any link from here that doesn't meet this guarantee, then let us know and we'll review it.

Equally, if you know of any links you'd like to see included then let us know and we'll review them.

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backpackearth ~backpacker travel tips and advice Wander the World ~hostels / articles & countries
eat & drink
Americas Adventure
From the tip of Greenland to the foot of Chile
Asian Adventure
Covers the whole of Asia from Turkey to Japan
European Adventure
North, South, East, West - the whole of Europe
North African Adventure
The Northern most states of the dark continent
South African Adventure
The Sahara and beyond
Oceania Adventure
Australia, NZ & the Pacific islands

Links To Us

title: travel inspiration / where, when and why to travel
URL: http://www.wherewhenwhy.co.uk/
description: WhereWhenWhy is a travel information and inspiration guide aimed at helping you decide on where to travel, when and why you should go there. Built around extensive country, weather and activity data, WhereWhenWhy aggregates the best of the web (the likes of googlemaps, flickr and del.icio.us) into one convenient travel portal.


Many of the images used are sourced from Wikimedia Commons With thanks to all image authors, all rights respected.

The CIA Worldbook is the source of much of the statistical information. CIA Worldbook data is Public Domain.

Map links are provided by MapQuest and embedded GoogleMaps

With weather information from WeatherOnline

Book recommendations on WWW

The books featured on this site are all personally recommended by the site administrator - you'll notice a predilection for Hemingway, Thompson and Theroux for which we make no apology!

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